ELHC Juniors hockey sessions are open to all children aged 4-15, from beginners to experienced players. We practice most Sunday mornings at Mile End Astro from 10-12, with tournaments throughout the year and camps in the summer holidays.
For all enquiries or to find out more information please contact elhcyouth@gmail.com
Getting started
All children are welcome to come and try hockey in any week we are playing - please see the term dates below. Your first session is always free and we can provide all of the equipment you need - just bring along a snack, a drink and appropriate clothing for the weather conditions!
Our sessions
We run inclusive sessions that aim to develop hockey ability alongside fitness, hand-eye coordination and teamwork. We have different groups based on age and look to develop core hockey skills throughout the season. We enter teams based on age and ability into tournaments over the year but currently do not participate in regular leagues.
No equipment is required for your first session and we have plenty of sticks for newbies and occasional attendees. For children attending regularly, we encourage the purchase of the basic kit: stick, shin pads and a gum shield. Affordable equipment can be found at most sports shops, and coaches can provide additional advice on stick purchases.
Term dates (2024/2025 season)
September: 8, 15, 22, 29
October: 6, 13, 20,
November: 3, 10,17, 24
December: 1, 8, 15
January: 12,19, 26
February: 2, 9,16
March: 2, 9,16, 23, 30
April-July: To be confirmed
Your first session is always free, then we charge £5 per week for regular sessions. Our primary aim is to promote youth hockey participation in Tower Hamlets, and reduced or free places are available on request to those who might otherwise not be able to participate (contact elhcyouth@gmail.com).
ELHC are keen to support the development of junior players, and should equipment cost (e.g. sticks, shoes) be a barrier to participation there are funds available to subsidise these for regular players (contact elhcyouth@gmail.com).
We are a growing part of ELHC and are keen to expand to provide more hockey for children in Tower Hamlets. Please do refer your friends and reach out to us with contacts who may be interested in widening our reach to schools or other sports programmes.
We are interested in developing partnerships with charities and donors to expand hockey to less able or less advantaged children. If you are interested in working with us or providing sponsorship please reach out to Toby elhcyouth@gmail.com.
Children and young people have the right to play hockey in a safe environment and be treated with dignity and respect. If you, your child or anyone else's child has been the victim of bullying, humiliation or abuse, please report it by speaking to the Youth Leadership Team or contacting the Club's Welfare Officer at elhcwelfareofficer@gmail.com.
Important information
A parent or guardian must accompany the child/children on their first session to register their attendance.
The coaching schedule is subject to change and parents should make sure to check club communications to stay informed.
For those who are old enough and demonstrate the desire and work ethic that epitomises ELHC our development programme provides a pathway for Juniors to progress and join teams in the senior club when appropriate.
Mile End Park 11 aside Astro; here
190 Burdett Road, Mile End, London, E3 4HL.
Our Partners
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.